Background Information on the Weather Station

Location: 3 miles southeast of downtown Norman, Oklahoma
Nearest intersection: 250 yards NW of 12th Ave SE and State Highway 9.
Latitude: 35°10'57" north
Longitude: 97°25'27" west
Elevation: 1130 feet above sea level
Period of record: January 6, 2001 to present
Primary observer: Jeff Wear
Station set-up (as of Jan 2001): Digital max/min thermometer (probe is mounted 5 feet 6 inches above ground level outside north facing window and is shielded with a louvered styrofoam cup), All-Weather 4-inch rain gauge mounted on wooden post (top of gauge is about 14 or 15 inches above ground level), Kestrel 3000 (hand-held digital anemometer/hygrometer), Komelon 6-foot measuring stick (for snow measurement).
Nearby weather related points of interest: OKC Will Rogers World Airport (17 mi NW), National Weather Service/National Severe Storms Laboratory/Storm Prediciton Center (5 mi NW), University of Oklahoma main campus (2 mi NW).

Pictures of the weather station

Thermometer Probe and Rain Gauge
Thermometer Probe
Rain Gauge
Digital Temperature Readout
Jeff's Weather Workstation
Kestrel 3000

Location of Jeff's Weather Observation Center (JWOC) in relation to other cities in Oklahoma.

Location of JWOC in relation to Norman.

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This page was last updated 12-01-04 at 0024 CST